2008.09-2012.06,天津大学 测控技术与仪器 学士
2012.09-2017.06,天津大学 仪器科学与技术 博士 2017.09-2020.12,天津理工大学旧海燕研究策略论坛 讲师 2020.12-今,天津理工大学旧海燕研究策略论坛 副教授


1 Yu, Pengfei, Yang Shourui*, and Chen Shengyong. Accuracy improvement of time-of-flight depth measurement by combination of a high-resolution color camera. Applied Optics,2020,59(35): 11104-11111. 2 Han Binbin, Yang Shourui*, Chen Shengyong.Determination and adjustment of optimal defocus level for fringe projection systems. Applied optics, 2019, 58(23): 6300-6307. 3 Yang Shourui, Liu Miao, Song Jiahui, Yin ShiBin, Ren YongJie, Zhu Jigui, Chen Shengyong*. Projector distortion residual compensation in fringe projection system. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2019, 114: 104-110. 4 Yang Shourui, Liu Miao, Song Jiahui, Yin Shibin*, Guo Yin, Ren Yongjie, Zhu Jigui.Flexible digital projector calibration method based on per-pixel distortion measurement and correction. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2017, 92: 29-38. 5 Yang Shourui, Liu Miao, Yin Shibin*, Guo Yin, Ren Yongjie, Zhu Jigui.An improved method for location of concentric circles in vision measurement. Measurement, 2017, 100: 243-251. 6 Yang Shourui*, Liu Miao, Song Jiahui, Yin Shibin, Guo Yin, Ren Yongjie, Zhu Jigui.Projector calibration method based on stereo vision system[J]. Optical Review, 2017, 24(6): 727-733. |